FSE 2015 rump session

The FSE 2015 rump session took place Tuesday 10 March 2015. Daniel J. Bernstein and Tanja Lange served as chairs. Ahmet Mert Mazmanci served as drum player. Slides are available from all presenters who agreed to put their slides online.

FSE 2015 rump session, Tuesday 10 March 2015
Session 1
16:05Gregor LeanderGregor LeanderThanks and Best Paper Awardslides
16:09Anne CanteautAnne CanteautCOST CryptoActionslides
16:12Christoph Dobraunig and Maria Eichlseder and Florian MendelMaria EichlsederAnalysis of SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256slides
16:14Alex Biryukov, Léo PerrinLéo PerrinSkipjack's F-Table and S-Box Funslides
16:18Shohei Ando and Yuichi Niwa and Tetsu IwataTetsu IwataGCM Counter Collision Probability for Short Plaintextslides
16:22Christine SwartTanja LangeLecturer wanted for summer school in Gabon
16:24Gregor Leander, Venyi Nikov, Christian Rechberger, Vincent RijmenChristian RechbergerUpdate on the 15.000 Euro PRINCE cipher-breaking challengeslides
16:28Jian Guo, Jeremy Jean, Ivica NikolicIvica NikolicAn Observation on PRIDEslides
16:32Jian Guo, Huaxiong Wang, Hongjun WuIvica NikolicPostdoc Recruitment in Nanyang Technological University, Singaporeslides
16:34Farzaneh AbedFarzaneh AbedLast update on the CAESAR candidates and AE Zoo
16:38Markku-Juhani O. SaarinenMarkku-Juhani O. SaarinenCAESAR Implementations and BRUTUS Plans for Protocolsslides
16:42Prøst TeamMartin M. LauridsenUpdate on Prøstslides
16:45Jeremy Jean and Lei WangThomas PeyrinDIAC 2015 and ASK 2015slides
16:46Alex Biryukov, Daniel Dinu, Johann Großschädl, Dmitry Khovratovich, Yann Le Corre, Léo PerrinLéo PerrinThe ACRYPT projectslides
16:49Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Philipp Jovanovic and Samuel NevesPhilipp JovanovicNORX8 and NORX16: AEAD for Low-End Systemsslides
16:52Nicky Mouha and Atul LuykxNicky MouhaAlice's Adventures in Block Cipher Designslides
16:55Orr Dunkelman and Liam KeliherTomer AshurAnnouncing SAC 2015 and the S3 summer schoolslides
16:57Martin Albrecht, Christian Rechberger, Thomas Schneider, Tyge Tiessen, Michael ZohnerTyge TiessenCiphers for MPC and FHEslides
17:00Stefan KölblStefan Kölbl(s|S)-?(b|B)ox and other useful statistics on the ePrint Archiveslides
17:04Gregor LeanderGregor LeanderFSE 2016slides

Call for submissions (archived)

Do you have breaking news, progress reports, or other topics of interest to the FSE 2015 audience? Can you keep your talk short and entertaining? Fill out the submission form and ask for a talk slot!

The detailed program for the rump session will be announced on this web page. There are no current plans to distribute printed programs.